

Friday 21 December 2012

Season's Greetings to You All

Christmas and New Year and mince pies and pudding and fruitcake and
cookies and turkey and stuffing and seconds and mulled wine and nuts
and chocolate and candy cane and gumdrop cake and seconds and Let's
Keep Active this festive season! Never mind the weather, the darkness
and that over-full feeling from watching old movies, let's keep active
and keep moving and come along to a fitness class in Kingsport. If you
haven't been for a while, come back, we've missed you and we have more
to offer than ever before.

Preliminary Announcements:

Thanks to Kings Active Seniors Grant Program, we will be offering
affordable daytime Therapeutic Yoga at the Lloyd Centre in Kingsport
starting in early February. Our instructor is Jennifer White who has
been teaching "Marvellously Mature Yoga" in Wolfville. Jennifer has
studied yoga internationally and has a special interest in the
benefits of yoga for those impacted by cancer. This program is yoga
for individuals with mature  bodies who are interested in healthy
aging and will be an eight week course starting on February 7 2013 at
9 to 10.30am. We're really excited about this course and will be
making more of a noise about it in the new year.

Thanks to Eastern Kings Memorial Health Foundation Fund, Niamh
Webster, enthusiastic participant in the morning Cardio/Strength
Training class and Irish Dance Teacher Extraordinaire will be training
as a Seniors' Fitness Instructor to offer a low-impact daytime class
sometime in the spring.

"Your Way to Wellness", a six session course for any adult who has a
chronic (on going) health condition or who supports a loved one who
has a chronic condition will start on Tuesday January 22. Each session
lasts 2 1/2 hours where you will learn how to manage your condition
and use proven tools to help you maintain an active, fulfilling life.
Sessions are free and are offered by volunteer group leaders. For more
information contact Pat Rose, 538-1315 or
Check out the website: .

Ongoing Activities:

Strength & Cardio Fitness Training at the Lloyd Memorial Centre
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 to 10am; Christine Heap (582 1624)
Tuesday, Thursday: 6.30 to 7.30pm; Irene Burrell (582 3013)
8 classes $25; drop-in $4.

Co-ed Circuit Training at the Lloyd Memorial Centre
Tuesday, Thursday: 5.30 to 6.30pm; heroic volunteers: Richard Foot and
Dave Morton (thanks, guys)
8 classes $25; drop-in $4

Yoga at the Emmanuel United Church Hall with Jenna Pennington
Monday 6 to 7.15pm; contact Melanie Amos (582 7700)
January 7, 2013 for six weeks: 6 classes $55; drop-in $10

In case of snow: We try to keep our classes going whatever the weather
but sometimes it’s just too messy or the power is out. So if in doubt
please call (after 8am).

Membership: Join the Kingsport Fitness and Wellness Society. Just $5 a
year helps support Health and Fitness Activities in Kingsport and
you’ll receive a 10% discount at Sport Chek, New Minas.

Carol French: We will be closing our account in support of Carol
French and family at the end of December and sending her the balance.
Matt is recovering well. He has a long journey back to health and all
the love and prayers for him make a difference. We wish all the French
family well.

Do you love making posters? As you can see we have loads of plans for
next year but to make them a huge success we need to publicize them
widely. We'd love to have posters up and around so if you have a
talent to share, speak to Merle, Melanie, Bev, Irene or Christine and
we can get busy.

Happy New Year Pot Luck Supper
Do you know there are about 70 regular participants in our activities?
Let's meet up, share a meal and say Happy New Year!
We're looking at dates and times now, so if you have a suggestion, get
in touch with one of the directors.

A final word: Jane Fonda (yes, those tights, that hair) now aged 75
was asked recently how she stays motivated replied:

"What motivates me is how good I feel afterwards. (Laughs) I don't
wake up saying "Oh goody, I am going to work out." But I do it because
of how it makes me feel when it's over. I feel so good. If I've felt
depressed or down at all, it picks me up and makes me feel great. The
mistake that so many people make is that if they can't do what they
once did, then they don't do anything. Big mistake. It's important
just to do something. If you can't run, walk. ... If you can't lift
heavy weights, so lift light weights. But just keep yourself
physically active. It makes all the difference not just for your body,
but for your brain as well."

With that thought in mind, have Wonderful Christmas, hold on tight to
those you love and yes, come to Strength & Cardio Boxing Day!

Merle MacDonald, Melanie Amos, Bev Bliss, Irene Burrell and Christine Heap


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